These Are the Countries with the Fastest Internet in Europe (Slowest Ones too!) in 2024

If you’re planning to travel to Europe, you definitely want to know which are the countries with the fastest internet here, as well as the ones with the slowest internet speeds.
Overall, European countries are among the best when it comes to the speed of internet, in both broadband and mobile categories, according to my research shared below.
The best part is that in most European countries, if the broadband internet is bad, you will have solid mobile internet, and vice-versa. This way, ou’ll be generally happy with the internet speed and its reliability
We’re going to check out which are the countries with the fastest internet in Europe, as well as those with the slowest, but also see what “fast” and “slow” internet means here.
I initially published this article back in 2016, and I’ve been updating it on a yearly basis since. It’s really nice to see how much things have changed since then – and for that, I will keep my original photo below.
Things have improved drastically in the past several years, with many countries offering connections up to 1Gbps.
We also have Iceland, with its Rural Fiber Project, which guarantees a minimum speed of 100Mbps to 99.9% of its population.
But let’s check out the average internet speed in Europe by country and see who are the winners and losers in terms of median broadband and mobile internet speed in 2024.
We’ll start with broadband internet speed below, and follow up with mobile.
Countries with the best internet in Europe (2024)
1. Iceland: 209 Mbps
2. Denmark: 199 Mbps
3. Andorra: 198 Mbps
4. Luxembourg: 189 Mbps
5. France: 180 Mbps
6. Romania: 178 Mbps
7. Spain: 172 Mbps
8. Netherlands: 164 Mbps
9. Switzerland: 160 Mbps
10. Hungary: 159 Mbps
11. Portugal: 155 Mbps
12. Sweden: 154 Mbps
13. Liechtenstein: 148 Mbps
14. Malta: 140 Mbps
15. Norway: 129 Mbps
16. Poland: 125 Mbps
24. Slovakia: 111 Mbps
19. Belgium: 110 Mbps
15. Germany: 107 Mbps
17. Finland: 101 Mbps
23. Ireland: 99 Mbps
20. Moldova: 98 Mbps
21. Lithuania: 95 Mbps
26. United Kingdom: 93 Mbps
30. Italy: 90 Mbps
27. Bulgaria: 89
22. Latvia: 86 Mbps
25. Slovenia: 85 Mbps
28. Czechia: 83 Mbps
32. Estonia: 82 Mbps
29. Serbia: 81 Mbps
31. Ukraine: 70 Mbps
32. Montenegro: 63 Mbps
Countries with the worst internet in Europe (2024)
Now let’s check out the 10 countries in Europe that offer the slowest internet speeds in 2024 (remember: first is worst here)!
1. Georgia: 26 Mbps
2. Bosnia & Herzegovina: 27 Mbps
3. Turkey: 31 Mbps
4. North Macedonia: 35 Mbps
5. Cyprus: 42 Mbps
6. Greece: 44 Mbps
7. Albania: 45 Mbps
9. Croatia: 48 Mbps
10. Kosovo: 50 Mbps
All in all, the broadband internet speed in Europe has improved greatly compared to the previous year, with the smaller European countries recording huge jumps in the rankings (Iceland, Andorra, Luxembourg).
At the same time, Spain’s internet speed went up a lot, together with Portugal, France and Malta.
Romania, which was once considered the fastest in the world in terms of broadband internet connection speeds has now fallen behind. Other countries that don’t seem to be able to keep up the pace are Germany, Italy, Ireland and the UK.
It’s also interesting to see that countries with a large Digital Nomad presence – or which depend a lot on solid internet – have also grown steadily. I’m talking about Malta, Estonia (and Portugal lately).
It’s curious though that Cyprus, which is in a similar situation, still offers some of the worst internet in Europe.
Speaking of poor performance, the bottom 10 remains the same as last year, with only minor improvements recorded by each country.
Also, I have to say that in most countries in Europe (including the bottom ten), in the large cities you will get much better internet speeds than in the rest of the country.
So you shouldn’t have major problems if you choose the larger cities as your next destination and the speeds will probably be much above the averages.
Still, comparing the data today to the data in 2016, things are much better. They’re actually much better compared to last year, and I don’t expect this to stop in 2024 either.
Mobile internet speed in Europe in 2024
The rankings when it comes to the mobile internet speed in Europe are completely different to the ones above.
Even more surprising is, in my opinion, the fact that countries ranking pretty low in terms of cable internet speed rank really high in terms of mobile internet speed.
But this is a good thing, because it gives you a solid option: you can simply get a mobile internet plan and turn your phone into a hotspot for super fast internet.
The downside here is that, compared to broadband internet, mobile internet is still much more expensive.
Either way, let’s take a look at the fastest and slowest mobile internet speeds in Europe. I’m listing the top 20 countries first:
1. Norway: 131 Mbps
2. Denmark: 130 Mbps
3. Iceland: 126 Mbps
4. Netherlands: 118 Mbps
5. Finland: 101 Mbps
6. Sweden: 98 Mbps
7. Bulgaria: 94 Mbps
8. Luxembourg: 90 Mbps
9. Croatia: 88 Mbps
10. Malta: 87 Mbps
11. Portugal: 85 Mbps
12. Switzerland: 83 Mbps
13. Lithuania: 82 Mbps
14. North Macedonia: 81 Mbps
15. Estonia: 79 Mbps
16. France: 79 Mbps
17. Austria: 76 Mbps
18. Latvia: 73 Mbps
19. Belgium: 69 Mbps
20. Greece: 68 Mbps
And now, here are the bottom 10 countries in Europe in terms of the mobile internet speed:
1. Ukraine: 24
2. Bosnia and Herzegovina: 25
3. Moldova: 29
4. Ireland: 33
5. Kosovo: 35
6. Spain: 41
7. Poland: 42
8. Hungary: 43
9. Italy: 46
10. Slovakia: 46
Just look at the fastest 10 countries above: it’s a completely different set of countries ranking there, with Bulgaria, Croatia and Malta among the best, but also with North Macedonia, Estonia and even Greece scoring well.
If you’re interested in more statistics like the ones I researched for this article, you can check out my other articles listing the minimum salaries in Europe, as well as the average salaries in all the EU countries.
PIN this article for later. Thank you!
Internet speed in Europe: conclusions
Hopefully, all my research makes it easier for you to understand which countries in Europe have great, fast internet and which don’t.
The bottom line is that really bad internet is no longer a problem on the continent, and you can expect at least decent speeds, even if the bottom-ranked countries.
Looking at the lists above, we can say that countries like Ukraine, Kosovo and Bosnia & Herzegovina are the ones that score low in both categories, meaning that it won’t be easy to have a solid internet connection in those countries. But all the others offer decent speeds either on mobile or broadband (or both).
What do you think about the progress of the speed of internet throughout Europe? And do you consider internet speed when choosing your next destination or internet doesn’t matter that much for you?
Resources & data gathered via Wikipedia, &
High Calin Turkey is not European country
It is considered as one, geographically more than Cyprus.
the capital is in europe it is like saying russia isnt europe part of it is in europe
Ankara is in Asia minor
Lowest speed internet is in Cyprus. I make you sure. expensive (34euro at least) for sh*tty internet (breaking and slow connection)
These numbers are bs… I’m in Cheltenham UK and on Gig1 with virgin media and I get a steady 1100mbps (1.1gbps) wired and around 600mbps via WiFi
We are talking about averages here – so high quality, fast internet is not excluded even in the countries with the lowest values.
What’s your upload speed bruv? 50mbps? Virgin need to start offering symmetrical connections, otherwise they are not very good for remote working.
Now please reply with your upload speed. You should have 1000/1000 like Romania does. But I know you don’t. Cuz Virgin offers it’s clients only 6% upload speed and not 100%. Also at a stupid price. I myself can confirm on my VM nonsense fibre.( actually coax old technology doxi3) (not real fibre)
Poland has really fast Internet in medium and big cities, you can get 500 mbps easily.
I’m in Bulgaria and I have 5G mobile Internet 415mbps.
according Ookla speed test.
Great to hear that! The way average speeds are calculated doesn’t mean that internet everywhere in the country will automatically be slow.